We'll we made it through Fay and are sitting waiting to see what else might be coming our way. We got a good bit of rain but fortunately ours was well-needed and all around us seemed to "soak up" it up!
As an aunt, there are alot of special things that I have gotten to share with my nieces. One of them is getting to meet all their friends. I have been very lucky that most of the friends that my nieces have made have been GREAT people! In June of last year, I got to become acquainted with several of Louise's special friends. Karen and I had such a good time meeting all these girls.
There is one I want to wish a "happy birthday" to today! HAPPY BIRHTDAY, J-J!!!! Jen is a sweet girl and is moving to Tennessee to work for a children's home in the Nashville area. Karen is called Ka-Ka and I am affectionately known as Gin-Gin so Jen wanted a "nickname". We quickly informed her that Gin-Gin was already taken, so we came up with "J-J". Friends are very special and to know that Louise has great friends like you, Jen makes me very happy! You are a very special person who has a great personality and I hope you had a great day today and that your new job will go great!!! Love you-Gin-Gin
Didn't you go with Louise to FL---I am still made that ya'll didn't come by and see me!!!:)
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Posted by The Holtons at 4:13 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Posted by The Holtons at 5:55 AM 3 comments
No Computer!

Everyone always blogs on how hard it is when your computer in down! I finally have experienced it and have to agree! For the last week, Kenny has been working on and building us a new desk for our office. In the process, our computer has been disconnected...and so have I. I hate not being able to at least check the blogs everyday. It is really nice to be able to keep up with everyone. Even people that live down the road, with our busy lives, it is hard to touch base every day!
We have done fairly well getting into the routine of school. Jessica really enjoys going to school and being around all the kids. We are so happy that we have a good school system and a great school for her to attend. God does take care of things!
I got to attend the Shea/Colson wedding over the week-end and it was beautiful! The rain held off and since the reception was outside-that was a good thing!
Since our computer has been down, Walker, my nephew had a birthday. He is a very unique young man! He was the first grandson, so it I say Papa tends to spoil him, you will understand. Of course, as I say that I think of everything Dad and Mom do for all of us-but Papa and Walker have always had a special relationship! Walker is quiet, funny and a very caring person. He will be heading back to Faulker soon, hopefully to finish in December. We are proud of you Walker and Love You!!!
Posted by The Holtons at 5:28 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
First Day
Just a quick post to say that our first day of school went well. We made it on time but half way to school, Kenny asked if I had given Jessica her medicine. UHHH...NO! I was so out of our summer routine and trying to get pictures that I just completely forgot! So I had to go back to school after I had dropped Kenny off at work and give Jess her meds. She seemed to be doing very well, but let me just say-IT WAS THE 1st DAY!!! If you have ever taught, you know exactly what I mean.
She made it through the day and swam for about an hour with her therapist after we got home! Quite a full day so 8:30 found her fast asleep.
This morning she had a DR. appointment so we didn't do the school thing but came back through Quitman (the Dr. was in Thomasville) and had lunch with her Nana and Papa.
So tomorrow we will try and return to what will quickly become our "normal routine"!
Posted by The Holtons at 4:50 PM 3 comments
Monday, August 4, 2008
School Days!

Posted by The Holtons at 6:26 AM 6 comments
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Busy Week!
Besides picking berries-we have had a very busy week. Kenny's brother, sister-in-law and niece were here and we had a great time visiting with them. They have not been here since Christmas so there was alot of catching up to do. One night all the girls went to see "Mama Mia". It was so much fun, of course we made fools out of ourselves-but had a great time! It is always fun when they come to town and usually means there are more visitors coming down to see them. Beth and Toni both got to come down while they were here this trip and it was good to visit with them, too.
The day they left Jess had a Dr. app't. She had to get blood drawn and did pretty well plus she has a yeast infection from the Antibotic she had to take several weeks ago! What fun for a 7 year old!!!
On Thursday we went to her Open House at school. She has a new teacher this year and I think she is really going to do a good job! Jess seemed excited to be going back into the building-went straight to her classroom...and STRAIGHT to the play area!!!! I think we both are looking forward to Monday. I know I will be glad to be able to do my running around without here, but I will miss our play time! We don't get to play as much during the school year because Dad is around shortly after school and NO one rates like "her DADDY"!!!!
I will try and post some end of summer pictures but Kenny is getting ready to start building a new desk so it may be a few days. As you are reading this, stop and say a prayer for Louise, she is having the packing removed from a cyst she had drained earlier this week. She had been in a great deal of pain and I am just hoping that today won't be too bad!!! Love you, Louise-and thanks Dirt for taking such good care of her!!!!!
Posted by The Holtons at 5:59 AM 2 comments
Berry Pickin'
Last night I went to pick blackberries with Sara Jackson and Allison Carter. It was GREAT! The berries were plentiful as the Gills and Julie Barrett joined in the fun. We went around 6 and Sara, Allison and I stayed until it was too dark to see the berries. The berries are hugh and delicious and there were no thorns on the bushes! You just walked down the rows and went from side to side filling your buckets. This was the last day to pick before the owner was going to go in and prune to prepare for next year! It was a nice night as we had rain earier in the day so it wasn't too hot and it was a good time to visit, too.
Thank you, Sara and Allison for including me and I can't wait until next year!
P.S. I did come in and get all my berries in the freezer so I won't get "wine" before I decide what I want to do with them all!!!!
Posted by The Holtons at 5:50 AM 3 comments