Monday, January 26, 2009
Lady Vols vs Auburn
We had a great week-end in Montgomery and getting to see all of "the fam". Thanks to Dirt and Louise for letting us spend the night with them on Saturday and to Laurie, Leigh, Walker and JORDAN who all, along with Dirt, Louise, Rachel, our true TN fan and one lone Auburn fan, took time out of their busy schedules to go to the basketball game with us. We had a great time and can't wait to do it again next year-when our Lady Vols will have some "Pat-experience".
Posted by The Holtons at 1:01 PM 3 comments
Senior Day 2008-Congrats, Sam!
It was a very emotional day-even if Samantha hadn't gotten hurt in the previous game-but with her not knowing if she would be able to play or not, the tention was high among the "Walker clan". She was able to start but only played 3-4 minutes before she told her coach she needed to come out. That was the end of Samantha's last home ballgame! She "hopped" out to center court to meet her Mom and Dad, and I was afraid that she was going to "totally lose it", she got control and did very well. We have watched Samantha grow up and it is hard for me to even think of her being a graduate and not being around next year!!! I am proud of you, Samantha and love you!
Posted by The Holtons at 12:48 PM 2 comments
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Homecoming 2008
I know this is late, and today is Samantha's last home ballgame-but I wanted to get this posted. We are leaving after the game today for Montgomery, so it will be the first of the week before I'll be able to post about Senior Night and Jessica's first Lady Vols' basketball game. By the way, we spent an hour at Youth Care today. Jess has a slight ear infection but not enought to keep us home!!!!
I am still playing with Picasa, sorry I cut off the top of Walker's head!:)
Posted by The Holtons at 10:32 AM 2 comments
Friday, January 23, 2009
Prayers for Samantha
Please be praying for Samantha. She was playing last night in her basketball game and hurt her ankle. Karen and Ervin took her to the hospital and they did find out that it wasn't broken-but the Dr. told her he thought if she stayed off of it until Monday she would be OK! That's great, except that Saturday is Sr. Day at the last home ballgame. Karen said she just "fell apart". I know to those of us that face and have faced problems that are so much greater, this request seems petty. But to an 18 year old that is finishing up her high school career, this is devastating. Just keep her in your prayers-she is a tough kid and she will be alright, but I will hate it if she has to miss this "big" day. Thanks!
Posted by The Holtons at 3:52 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

OK, has been some time since Jessica's birthday and Samantha's last homecoming at GCS. In between all of that, Kenny has been trying to get paper work ready for his Board Meeting and I had a luncheon to help prepare and decorate for! I know, I know-everyone is busy-so just call me a bad Mom, but I am going to try and catch up now!
After Jessica's party at school, plans quickly began for her family party on Sunday. We had a "Tinkerbell" party with a great cake, created by Ka-Ka. Karen has always made Jessica's cakes and does such a great job. I guess if Samantha becomes a pastry chef we will turn if over to her, but until then-Karen has the job!! Thanks, Karen-it was beautiful and delicious! We had a good crowd this year with 16 making it. We always miss the ones that can't come but have a good time with everyone here.
The day before the party was a super busy day! Jessica and I got up, after Kenny who left home at 5:30 AM, and got dressed and then went and started green beans for a group of 50. After the beans were simmering, we left for a Baby Shower out near Moody that started at 10. At 11, we left and picked up food from the Gold Plate, delivered Jessica to Mom and Dad at our house and then I went to the Dining Room at the Children's Home to get ready for the board to come for dinner. RTV has just found out that after 2 LONG years, we are COA accredited. May not sound like much to you but Statewide it is a great deal!!!
Before the lunch was over, I had to leave to hurry to GCS' Homecoming! Samantha was on the court and looked BEAUTIFUL!!!! No need for me to go into alot about Samantha, just let me say, she had been special -- and she was the "baby" for a long time!!! No rivalry, or resentment from her...she ADORES Jessica - and the feeling is mutual!
After a super busy week-end-it finally ended! Jessica didn't have school on Monday, so we just hibernated and with the cold weather it was a great day for it! Plus, I have been battling sinus trouble and Monday and Tuesday the sinus was winning. Finally, today I am beginning to feel better!
Saturday is Samantha's last home basketball game and so we will be there to celebrate with her. Immediately following, we are going to leave for Montgomery to visit Jordan, Walker, Laurie, Louise and Dirt and Leigh! To top off the week-end we are all going to see the Lady Vols play Auburn on Sunday afternoon. Kenny, Jess and I will leave Sunday evening and come home! We are looking forward to seeing everyone in AL, just hope it warms up a little!!!
Have a good week (if you made it to the end of this post, congratulations!)! I try to post more pictures later...Kenny took my camera to work!:)
Posted by The Holtons at 5:55 AM 4 comments
Saturday, January 10, 2009
The Zoo!
Make a Smilebox slideshow
Yesterday at school, we had Jessica's party for her birthday. I had bought plastic cups with straws for each child and plates and napkins to match. We chose a zoo theme so the cupcakes were frosted with a tip that made the frosting look like grass and each one had a "toothpick" animal in it. They really turned out cute and I think all the kids, including Jess had a good time!
Posted by The Holtons at 1:02 PM 4 comments
New Year's Day!
Posted by The Holtons at 12:58 PM 0 comments
The 12 Days of Christmas...
Posted by The Holtons at 12:39 PM 2 comments