The week-end of November 7-8, Jordan came home to celebrate our birthdays. We had a great week-end-he came in on Thursday and stayed through Sunday, spending almost ALL the time with us!!! On Friday night, Jordan, Kenny and I went to see "The Christmas Carol, 3-D". It was good, of course, you already know the story, so there is no surprise ending-but we had fun and it got me in the holiday spirit! On Saturday, Kenny and Jordan helped "Papaw" with some of his outdoor holiday decorations, then Jordan went to the VSU game with Heather and Wade. That evening, we all meet Mom, Dad, Karen and Ervin for a birthday dinner in town. It was nice to be able just to sit and visit since it had been awhile since they had seen Jo. Sunday was dinner at the Holton's. Kenny's aunt and uncle were here from OK. so Beth, Tressie, Toni and Chris all came down from ATL. I would like to say it was for the b-day celebration, but I really don't think so! We had a great lunch and wonderful visit with everyone. Sunday was also Justin's (Kenny's niece's husband) birthday, too so we had a BIG party! One party for all 3-that makes it so easy on everyone! Shortly after lunch, Jordan had to head back to Montgomery--HOPEFULLY TO BE FINISHING UP IN DEC!!!!! So the week-end long celebration ended but it was a great way to get to spend your birthday!